Experimental Permanent Makeup with Kelly Kreation

business permanent makeup podcast
Ms Amber Red, Kelly Kreation and Sasha on Inspired by Ms Amber Red podcast discussing experimental permanent makeup

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[Ms Amber Red]

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of Inspired by Ms. Amber Red. I am here today with Ms. Kelly. Hey, girl.


[Kelly Krieger]



[Ms Amber Red]

Thanks for joining us. Thank you for having me. We also have Sasha here today, you guys, because Amber needs a little like support, but not so much.


So I'll just be here and jump in from time to time. But Kelly, you want to introduce yourself, tell them a little bit about you?


[Kelly Krieger]

Sure. My name is Kelly Krieger. I own Kelly Creation in Central Pennsylvania.


I have been doing semi-permanent cosmetics for, boy, probably seven years by now, seven or eight. I've lost track. And I love it.


It's my life. It's my outlet. I'm constantly seeking further education, and that's how I met Amber.


I came across her work on TikTok, and I was so impressed. I was like, I have to book this right now. I have to go see her immediately.


[Ms Amber Red]

I love you. Thank you. We love you.


You, girl, though. I was telling Sasha, actually, about you got a look going on right now. You've always done really cool shit, but you got a good look happening.


You got somebody in there doing videos? You got somebody in there doing something? There's something new happening over there.


[Kelly Krieger]

Yeah, we're always trying to refine the marketing, and me and Logan are just really zoning in on exactly the story we want to tell with the social media, and I think it's coming together finally.


[Ms Amber Red]

No, I love it. I like your videos. I'm like, oh, they're a little different.


A little something happening. I literally just said that to Sasha before we got on camera. I was like, she's got something new happening over there.


I gotta dig a little deeper.


[Kelly Krieger]

Mix it up a little bit, yeah. It's constantly challenging to keep it different, creative, branch out, what have I not done before? It's a constant.


It's a full-time job.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yeah, absolutely. I think that's with work, too, right? We start in a place, and then we get to a point where it's like, which is actually what we're going to talk about, but we get to a point where it's like, oh, what else can we do to push the boundaries?


So, is there anything that you want to talk about specifically? I know we were going to talk a little bit about experimental permanent makeup stuff, but do you want to give them a little backstory about what did you start with? What did you first learn?


Did you love it? Did you hate it? A little bit about that, and then how it's kind of transitioned into what you're doing now, the really cool things that you're doing now.


[Kelly Krieger]

Yeah. So, microblading, when it first came out, there was other ... Permanent makeup's been around for a long time, and at that point, I had been doing lashes, the majority just lashes all the time.


It did start to come up in the area I'm from, so I thought, better jump on the bandwagon. I think I would really enjoy doing this, and I took a training, and I felt like the training was ... Well, there was 30 people in the room, and there was three instructors, so it was very difficult to kind of grasp the concept and break it down.


It was sort of like, here's the spaceship, here's the parts, go, so it was very mentally defeating for a long time, but I just kept taking education, just kept seeking out to learn just a little more each time from each person, and just trying to grow. I feel like, I can speak for a lot of artists, we're very hard on ourselves, and we constantly seek to be better, or perfect, or just keep aiming for this, probably this level that really doesn't exist, and at first, I felt like it was a really long time before I felt confident. I knew the work wasn't terrible, but I also knew it could be better, so I think one of the beneficial parts of starting it when it was first popping up in the area was, people didn't have a lot to compare it to.


It was like, as long as you were constantly improving your education and practicing, and not only that, it seems like every year there's new ink, new developments, new techniques, new needles, new mapping techniques, new styles, so it's a lot to keep up with. It's a forever evolving runaway train. I feel like it was a long time before I felt really confident, and then it was just like building on that, and it's interesting seeing clients even from three or four years ago, they come back and it's like, oh, you like that, oh, okay, well, just wait until you can see what I can do now.


[Ms Amber Red]

So I had a lady, it's funny you said that, because I had a lady literally just a couple days ago, and okay, so she's had eye surgeries and things since I've seen her last, but she came in and I'm like looking at her eyebrows, and I'm like, what the heck is going on? She's like, you did them, because I said that to her, and I was like, what year did we do those? She's like, 2018, and I was like, oh, my gosh.


I was like, girl, come here. I was like, we're drawing a new shape on you, and she's like, yeah, and that's what that was at the point. She was like, well, you did them, is there something wrong?


I'm like, no, no, no, things have just come a much, they've just come a long way.


[Kelly Krieger]

Exactly. That's exactly the feeling, and you just have to stay humble and stay hungry and just constantly want to be better, and I really appreciate that about you as an educator, that you are very humble and very giving with information and constantly improving yourself and wanting your students to be successful as well.


[Ms Amber Red]

Oh, absolutely, because it's like you said, it's constantly changing, and we don't, nobody knows everything, like it's impossible, because there's so many different things happening all the time, whether like you said, like with color, with techniques, with styles, with like everything happening, so for sure. Yeah, so how, you made a comment, like how, how long, like how long was it that you felt, you said it took you a long time to like feel comfortable and confident, like about how many years in would you say that that started happening for you?


[Kelly Krieger]

Probably two, and probably two, yeah, I would say, before I was like, okay, you know, I have, I have the mapping down, I have, you know, X, Y, Z is in line, and then it was like, okay, how can I make that even better? And I think it was at that point, maybe it was like the powder brow was real big on the scene. And I went and learned that.


And it was just like, oh, now we're combining them, now we're doing microblading and powder brow, the combo brow and evolving past that, you know. And then simultaneously, too, it's like the brow evolution is starting and continuing, and it's, you know, going pretty fast. And then it's like, oh, lip blushing, blushing is popping up.


You know, permanent eyeliner is popping up, oh, we're doing wings on the liner, oh, we're gonna do this smokey now, it's like, it was just a lot. So yeah.


[Ms Amber Red]

So with that.


[Kelly Krieger]

A lot of growth. Yeah.


[Ms Amber Red]

Because I feel like with artists, it's, I mean, we don't have to dive deep into this, I just kind of had a thought. But with all that happening, too, and I know you're in your beautiful studio right now, right? I'm like, trying to kind of peek behind you a little bit.


So with that, so balancing, because I mean, I have Sasha. So but like balancing that the studio life, and then balancing like the artistic side of, you know, our, so it's like, there's so much to juggle. Is that something?


Do you have a Sasha? Do you not have a Sasha? Are you still doing this all on your own?


[Kelly Krieger]

I do have a social media manager, and I've had different ones throughout the years. And I feel that I have the best one so far. He is just phenomenal.


And we really work together well, and it is a lot to balance. It's like, you know, growing your skills and customer relationships and education. And then like you said, the whole other side of telling your story and marketing and having things project how you want them to.


And, you know, it's just it's so much and it's all the time.


[Ms Amber Red]

It's weird, because I just literally like this week, I was like, you know what, Miss Anne Barrett is me. Like I've always kind of felt that I just feel weird. I'm like, I don't know, it like makes me cringe.


My husband's like, what is wrong with you? But it makes me cringe that you're like, oh, I'm an artist at Miss Anne Barrett. I'm like, what?


No, you're not. I'm Miss Anne Barrett. So like I've been pushing hard, like the inspired by Miss Anne Barrett thing, because I'm like eventually at some point, like it's like it's ever changing too, right?


So it's like you went from Amber, you know, Amber to Miss Anne Barrett to like inspired by Miss Anne Barrett, eventually just inspired. Like I want these artists to be like artists under inspired, not Miss Anne Barrett, because I want to be Amber at Miss Amber, or inspired by, so.


[Kelly Krieger]

It's because you're humble. Aw. But.


Thanks, it's weird to me.


[Ms Amber Red]

You know, it is.


[Kelly Krieger]

Give credit where credit is due. Like you said, you feel cringey, but you know, you have a big platform and it's constantly growing and, you know, don't take that from yourself at the same time. You know, you put in the work.





[Kelly Krieger]

You're the boss bitch. Yeah.



I try to tell her that all the time, guys. Oh, thanks. She's like, no, like yes.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yeah. Like Sasha will say something. Don't say that.


Like, stop it. It's weird.



Pat yourself on the back.


[Ms Amber Red]

I do hate the phrase like girl boss. Yeah. Don't say any of that sort of stuff around me.


She hates the word boss. Okay. I'm just an artist and I want to be an artist at a studio.


So maybe that's why I'm like pushing for that transition so hard. I feel like it's coming along pretty good though in these last couple of months. I'm like, dang.


Okay. There's that vision I've always had. Like I want it just to be a community of a bunch of different artists.


You be in your individual self and the studio is kind of developed into that. Like each artist is kind of designing their own room. So when you go in there, it looks like since you've even been and seen us, like the studio has developed into like little art studios within a studio.


It's like really kind of cool. Actually, we're going to do a tour soon, as soon as Jess gets that room more decorated. But anyways, before we go down that road back to permanent makeup and tattooing, was there a certain thing that you like the most?


[Kelly Krieger]

Well, I really do love lip blushing. There's just something about it. And it's so interesting.


It's like you can get so experimental with it too. You know, it's like you have all the pinks and the reds and the corals. And I've actually even done a purple and blue lip blush before.


That's awesome.


[Ms Amber Red]

She gets to do so much fun stuff, Sasha. Like so much fun stuff. I was like, hey, Kelly, how are you getting all these?


So actually, let's go there. So this is me late night. It was like 9 or 10 o'clock at night, normal, you know, at home.


I'm like, hey, how are you getting these people? I'm like, you got to give me like, what is it that is allowing you to get people to let you? Because it's amazing.


You're doing girl, you're so talented. You're amazing. And just as you're humble, like and you're just super, super fucking cool.


And you got to look and you're, yeah, anyways, I could go on and on. But I'm like, you're doing such cool stuff. And I'm like, I think, you know, obviously I'm not going to put it on the girl next door, but there, I always tell people that too.


I'm like, you know, there's a place and a time for everything. Like just because you see me designing the eyeliners a specific way, because everybody knows like, don't go past the crease, don't do this, don't do that. But you know, there's always somebody that it is okay to do the, you know, those different styles on.


So there's that. And I remember I messaged, I'm like, Kelly, how are you getting these people? So you want to tell everybody how you're getting these people?


Are we going to keep that to ourselves?


[Kelly Krieger]

Should we let them know? This is why they listen to the podcast.


[Ms Amber Red]

I know.


[Kelly Krieger]

Right. For these juicy details. So I target primarily heavily tattooed individuals, because I kind of realized, you know, it takes a lot of time to acquire that much body art.


And I heavily doubt that their makeup tattoo will be the first tattoo they regret.


[Ms Amber Red]

So smart. That's such a simple thought and so smart.


[Kelly Krieger]

She said a lot of times if they have like facial tattoos, I'm like, okay, definite green light. You know what I mean? They're not going to have a problem with it.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yes. And it seems so simple. It seems like such a simple thought, but there's like, that's huge.


Like there's really something to that. I have yet to even leave my house really, but all I do is work. But when I finally leave my house, I'm going to give it a shot.


So you are doing, so you mentioned the lip blush that you did. And then these, so do you know, have you seen our, you probably haven't seen all the podcasts because they're dropping weekly, but we did mention you in a previous podcast. And I actually showed a photo of one of your glitter eyeliners.


And do you want to talk about that a little bit? Like where did that concept come from? How did you get there?


When did you feel confident in doing something like that?


[Kelly Krieger]

Well, the glitter tattoos kept popping up on my feed. It was like Instagram, TikTok. And I, you know, I was really interested in them and I, you know, it was like pointillism.


It was interesting. And I thought, well, why couldn't I do that with like eyeliner and make it a glitter eyeliner? So I, you know, kind of like a gradient in that.


So I had no idea really what I was doing. I did and I didn't. I was like, okay, in my mind, in my mind, I see this coming together and I know logistically how to do this, but let's just see what happens.


Right. Because I told the client who was down to do it. I said, this will be the first time I did this.


And if you don't like it, we'll cover it up with just a smoky liner. And she said, that's totally fine. So I let her pick the color concept and I picked out probably, oh boy, probably like six different shades of blue, a purple.


So I actually pulled up an inspiration was that I believe it was a gummy bear or something. It was like a sour patch that somebody had gotten tattooed in the glitter finish style. And I looked at that photo and I kind of broke down the colors.


So I pulled as many similar colors as I could. And I just did each color one layer at a time with little circles to create this pointillism.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yeah. It's funny because I feel like early on. So like I, as, as artists, we kind of develop, I always, you know, studio full of artists over here and they were all brand new.


And I, I remember telling them there was a time where I was like, hey, and you've probably heard me say this, Sasha. I'm like where we're in the studio and I'm literally talking to the girls and it's like, you know what I'm saying right now won't make sense, but you'll understand. And I'll be like me, I feel, it's going to feel like I'm talking at you, but you'll get to a point where everything's just, you'll, it'll, you just understand it.


And it's almost like our brains do that with permanent makeup as well. We build these certain little skills along the way. Cause literally everything you said, I was like, just in, just by you saying that, I'm like, oh, I could go do that right now.


Cause our brains develop these little skills along the way. And then we are able to connect the pieces and break something like that down versus being a brand new artist. And it's like right over your head.


So definitely something that's more advanced. Right. So like, but how fun, how fun to be able to get to that point.


[Kelly Krieger]

Yeah, it is so much fun. And it's like, you do that and it turns out good and you just want to do 10 more. Right.


Um, I haven't had the time to do other color concepts, but I, it's something that I need to, uh, plan out and put on the books. And, you know, like you said, back to the full-time social media, it's like, things get away from you so quickly. I don't, I'm sure this is similar for you, but I come in here Monday at nine and I blink and it's Friday.


[Ms Amber Red]

Literally, literally, um, Sasha and I are looking at each other and we're like, we didn't get to sit together this week. And it's like, thank God. I told Victor this morning, I better not tell you this.


Nevermind. I literally told Victor this morning. I was like, is Sasha quits?


I'm closing the business. I'm so dramatic, but I'm like, no, cause it's so much literally like what you just said. It's like, did Sasha and I even get to speak this week?


How did she even know what to do? But she just, she just has that brain and it's like, I'll wonder, like yesterday, there was things that needed done and I'm like, oh my God, they're stacking up in my brain. I look at her and she's like, I already put those deposits in.


I already did this. I was like, oh my God, thank God for her. Because I'm like, cause we don't get to do those other things if we don't have somebody that's that is so that person within a business is so important.


Because I feel like if you don't, like, like I would feel confident in saying like, she opens up enough of my day to allow me to sit down and find that time to block off, you know, cause that sounds so silly, but to be like, Hey, message this person. I want to do this style. Are you down?


Let's do it on this date. But we don't get to do fun stuff like that because we have so many other tasks that we literally have to pull ourself out of that, sit down and be like, okay, I'm going to put this on the schedule because I got five minutes to breathe now. So like she helps me get my five minutes to breathe.


So thanks Sasha.


[Kelly Krieger]

Yes, we are ever so grateful for our social media managers.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yes. Yeah. And have you, I have another thought, um, with the eyebrows, have you done many colored eyebrows?


[Kelly Krieger]

I have done a pink to purple and that, um, that was really pretty. But, um, I remember when I was there in training, you had a unicorn brow on your books and I was looking so forward to seeing that, um, did the model fall through?


[Ms Amber Red]

So I have, we have a couple that we've done. Um, actually, you know, we just trademarked unicorn eyebrows. Yeah.


I was like, I like it. It's cute. We're trademarking it.


I don't care what nobody says. I don't care if I even do anything with it, but we're trademarking it. That was so smart.


And long lasting lippies. We just trademarked that. Can you believe Maybelline doesn't have that?


Pay us $5 billion for that. Please.


[Kelly Krieger]

Maybelline. Are you serious?


[Ms Amber Red]

Long lasting lippies. They don't have, are you kidding? Anyways, another one for the books.


[Kelly Krieger]

So interesting, interesting anecdotes. So do you know Cardi B does not have a trademark? Yes.


And I know the woman who actually trademarked it first and Cardi B was not able to get her trademark because she did it first for a shirt she had printed.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yeah. You're telling me that there is a chance that we could get a $5 billion payout from Maybelline. I'm looking at everyday.


[Kelly Krieger]

If they want it bad enough.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yeah. I know, right? That's genius.


Um, so, but yeah, we've done, I've, that's where mine has, I need to like jump to the next like area because I've done, uh, like a brown to pink. I've done a brown to purple. We did, um, a red one.


We have a green one. I'm looking at Ari's. We just got a new lash gallon studio and she has blue eyebrows.


She's going to let me tattoo those. She doesn't know it yet, but no, I've really just stopped at the brows. So I'm like, all right, Amber, get yourself outside that comfort zone.


You got brain up there that can work, that can figure out these other things. So yeah, it's just, yeah. Approaching the people and finding them.


[Kelly Krieger]

Just do like a model call, you know, um, that those work a lot. Um, but yeah, I think it's just natural to want to do things like that. Experimental work, like as an artist, like, okay, I have the concepts down for natural and the, you know, the way it's done.


How can I take this up a notch?


[Ms Amber Red]

Yeah. Well, I think, well, we have, which one did we film? Was it the purple that we were going to give out as like a little freebie thing?


Yeah, we have, we were so behind. Cause when I, you know, I, I say how great it is to have somebody doing stuff, but then the work comes back. It comes back around because now you got to sit and look through.


So I had a virtual assistant, um, for the last six months. So she was knocking shit out like left and right. And with that though, comes, it comes full circle.


Cause she did the work and I still have yet to sit down and like review the work. So I'm like, we have so much content that we're backed up on that haven't, you know, haven't released quite yet that it's like, even that part kind of gets overwhelming, but there is a purple eyebrow already filmed and ready to go.


[Kelly Krieger]

I can't wait to see that.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yeah. Girl, I'll give it to you. I'll shoot.



Yeah. It's so pretty too.


[Ms Amber Red]

It is so pretty.



Yeah. I think that's my favorite one that you've done.


[Ms Amber Red]

I'm like, was that just a straight purple or was that the Brown to purple? Did I do the blend? I can't even remember.



I'm pretty sure it was the blend. It was the blend. This is how she did her makeup every day.


She would blend it like that. Yeah.


[Ms Amber Red]

I'm pretty sure they healed fire.





[Ms Amber Red]

Like fire. Yeah. Um, do you want to mention like any pigments or anything that you're using or you want to keep that on?


Cause I know people get weirded out about it. That's that sort of stuff.


[Kelly Krieger]

I mean, not, yeah, I know. Like what kind of machine do you use?


[Ms Amber Red]

What needles do you use? Pigment lines you prefer? Like.


[Kelly Krieger]

Okay. So I have, um, I kind of, I use the machines, I use different machines, but lately I've been liking, it's like a mast handle and I use the vertex needles. Um, they're like a one point, I think 0.35 and then that sounds right. And, um, believe it or not, I'm really liking when I do these vivid color things, I'm really liking the payoff from world famous ink.


[Ms Amber Red]

Okay. Very cool. Yeah.


Cause I think a lot of people there, there is a girl, um, uh, God, where is she located? I don't know if I should name drop or not, but she, you've probably seen her maybe online, if not, I should send you her information because she literally, I've never spoke to her, but kills it with colorful, mainly eyebrows. She's done some smoky, like soft, smoky transition with eyeliners.


I want to see she's in the UK. Um, but that's pretty much her work in its entirety. Uh, so, but yeah, you know, so a lot of people, like I said, I know I don't, I don't want to be like too pushy.


Cause I know some people like to hold like that information, like with pigments and stuff, but I don't, I'm like, you know, I think more people should talk about it and share what you're, you know, share what you're, you know, that about me though. I'm like, ask me anything. I'll tell you what I'm using.


Don't ask me right now because I'd have to look up my, I'm like, I'd have to look up my notes cause I have such a bad memory with what I did. But if you asked me a certain one, I'm like, yeah, hold on. Let me go find the picture in my camera roll.


I can find the date and I can find my notes for that picture. So yeah, anything.


[Kelly Krieger]

I mean, that's what the community is for to share tips. I mean, we're not really, and it's like, people have to get out of this mindset with like, you're competing with, you know, the person next door or the person, you know, anybody you're competing with yourself, you know, you're competing with who you were yesterday and you just want to be, it's not the best energy to put out there when it's all about, um, what's the word like gatekeeping nonstop. Like there's a time and a place.


And I understand that, but you know, to a certain extent, it really just holds you back.


[Ms Amber Red]

I agree. I think if you, if you feel that way, you, well, you shouldn't be teaching. That's just an opinion of mine.


But speaking of that, I actually wanted to ask, do you do, do you offer any hands on training? Do you do any classes or how, you know, tell me some little bit about that.


[Kelly Krieger]

Yes. I offer, um, brows, lips and liner, but the brows are definitely the most popular. Um, and I really have been back and forth on doing that for a while.


And I started doing it, I believe, was it last year or the beginning of this year? I can't even remember because I can't mentally separate the months and timeline in my mind. But, um, yeah, lately I've been really busy with that and it's really, um, I, I really enjoy doing it.


It's really gratifying to do and see somebody come in, have no clue. And then later they'll send you their strokes on fake skin or, you know, somebody they mapped and it's perfect. You're like, Oh, you know, it's, it's so fulfilling.




[Ms Amber Red]

How, so how long, how long did you say you've been, uh, offering training now?


[Kelly Krieger]

It was either the end of last year, beginning of this year. I can't quite remember. Um, something because during my pregnancy and stuff, I, that was just like a big blur, like lost track of time.


[Ms Amber Red]

Every time somebody asks me how long has it been? I'm like, I'm at K I think it's been three months. So I'm going to say six months because it goes by so fast.


[Kelly Krieger]

Exactly. That's exactly how I feel. I can't.


Oh. And somebody says, Oh, that was last week in my mind. I'm like, geez, that felt like last month.


[Ms Amber Red]

Tonya just said something to me yesterday. She said, uh, she she's like, yeah, well, you're like, your thing is eyeliner. And I'm like, well, I didn't choose it.


Like, I don't know what happened there. Like it just turned into this thing. And she's like, well, I want my thing to be airy brows.


I was in the kitchen and she said, that's me yesterday. And I was like, Oh, airy brows. Okay.


So I'm like, is, do you, were you, do you feel like one thing turned into your thing?


[Kelly Krieger]

Let me think about this. Maybe like ombre lip blushing. I think maybe in this area, at least like I, I seem to do a lot of those, um, or maybe like colorful things, you know, tattoo related, I think maybe that would be a question for like consumers in my area, I guess what, you know, what they would think of me first, me looking at you online.


[Ms Amber Red]

Do you want to hear my opinion? What it feels like?


[Kelly Krieger]

Yes, please. Yes.


[Ms Amber Red]

It feels like you've been killing it with like fluffy hair strokes over corrections. I've seen a few of those, but you're doing them very, very well. And usually I'm somebody, maybe that's why it's standing out to me.


Well, that and the glitter eyeliner, of course. Cause I'm like, I'm fucking doing that, but those hair strokes on those corrections, I'm like, okay, okay. I'm like, hold on.


Okay. Cause I'm, you know, I'm zooming in, I'm looking and I'm like, no, she's doing these well. Like you're doing them very well.


So it's like something that's really standing out in my, in my mind, like from looking at your page.


[Kelly Krieger]

Thank you. There's just something, there's just something orgasmic about just layering the hair strokes. Like, oh yeah.


Oh yeah. So like when you're watching somebody do a lamination, it's like, oh yeah. Push that up as far as you can.


I don't know. I just love it. Oh my gosh.


Like a Wolfie brow. It's like, here comes Madonna.


[Ms Amber Red]

That's what it feels like.


[Kelly Krieger]

No, like I feel that through your photos. Like, like I hear the song She Wolf, I'm doing the hair strokes. Like, yes, yes.


[Ms Amber Red]

Love it. Oh my gosh. So with those, you're not going to be able to have a straight up question for this.


Well, one, I have a question. Are you doing a three round like shaders? Are you doing single needle for those hair strokes?


What are you doing? Single needle, single needle. And then with the, are you separating?


So is there a limit to the amount of correction you will take on in order to do a more hair stroke style on top of that correction or are you pushing boundaries with that too?


[Kelly Krieger]

Yeah. It's if the existing powder brow or whatever they have is, you know, too ashy, too gray, I'll say, listen, let's do a color correction session first, let it heal and then go over top. Or maybe, you know, they'll want to do a round of the removal or maybe like if they're too uneven or something, I'll say, you know, maybe just seek out a laser remover service.


It just kind of is case to case, I believe.


[Ms Amber Red]

Yeah, no good answer. Cause that's kind of what I was thinking. That's why I was like, I don't know if you can answer this really, or if it's going to take us, you know, cause it's such an in-depth thing.


[Kelly Krieger]

Yeah, for sure. And it's interesting too, because, you know, you don't want to see too much gray behind the hair strokes. Right.


So sometimes you can completely camouflage it. And sometimes it's like, when those heal, I might have to go in a spot or two and kind of introduce some orange and balance that out a little bit.


[Ms Amber Red]

Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, I, I have a very similar outlook on that.


Like, so like separating them some, like the, the session sometimes, sometimes not, sometimes you can do, you know, it just all depends on like where that I guess, correction is lying, what the color looks like and all those sorts of things too. But that again, goes back to like, I guess our main topic is, you know, being able to push the boundaries and being able to have those thoughts through it. Like this, there was something recently I'm blanking my, my brain's not working this week, but there was something recently where I, I was like, Oh, I put the puzzle piece together.


Like I felt it. I have moments from that from time to time where I'll look at something and I'm like, you know, three years ago, I wouldn't have thought it like that. And I, but now I'm, I'm grabbing, it's like, Oh, I'm grabbing two pieces and putting them together.


And I'm like, that's why that will work. But I can't even remember what it was. I wish I could give them an example.



I remember the conversation though. You were super excited.


[Ms Amber Red]

I was super excited. I get super excited when things like that happen. I'm like, I'm a magician.


I figured it out. Was it with the brow? It'll hit you when the podcast is over.


Right. I'll drop it in the comments and let, so it looks like they got to listen and then go look at the comments. If it, if I have to remember that thoughts, I told you that's why Slash is here today because I need somebody.


I'm like, girl, if I can't talk through this, you're going to have to hop in and help me. I can't even remember. Anything you want to tell them about yourself, miss thing over there.


That's looking so pretty.


[Kelly Krieger]

It's like you said earlier, it's like cringe, right? When you talk about yourself, you know, it's like, it's like, there's more interesting things, you know, just, um, I don't know. I don't know.


[Ms Amber Red]

She's got it.


[Kelly Krieger]

I like red.


[Ms Amber Red]

What's funny is I was actually thinking, I'm like, why is it the last two people I've brought on have had red hair? People are going to be like, she only bring on people that have red hair and a feather. I know.


And Sasha had hers too. She just got rid of hers recently. So when I come in the studio, it's like, they're like, do you have to have red hair to work here?


And like, no, we have one that.