Top 5 Favorite Eyeliner Products


When it comes to the products we use in the studio we are definitely creatures of habit. We like to stick to what we already know works well, especially when you’re working on a sensitive area like the eyes. Most of the products Amber uses today are actually the same ones she started with almost a decade ago. Here are our top 5 favorite products for eyeliner!

Red Sharpie

One of our all time favorite products for eyeliner is our trusted fine point red sharpies. We map and mark all wedges and wing liners with sharpies. It is safe to use around the eyes and it stays locked in when you’re tattooing. You shouldn’t use your design and it is easier to see where you’re going because of the bright red color.

Bishop V6

Although we are fans of cartridge machines, ALL eyeliner in the studio is done exclusively with the Bishop V6. It is a needle on the bar machine which helps the needle be more precise and it’s extra clip gives better stability. It does feel slightly heavier than a cartridge machine but it is still light weight, comfortable on the hand and you can control your needle float.


The two needles we use for eyeliner is a 0903RL & 1205RS (3 Round Liner and 5 Round Shader). We lock in our crispy outline with the 0903RL first then shade in the entire design with the 1205RS as it is more gentle on the skin. We also use the 1205RS for lash line enhancements.


LI Pigments are our all time favorite pigments and the only ones we use in the studio. For eyeliner we specifically use  the color Onyx. It’s a beautiful rich black that eventually heals to a soft black. It is very low risk for migration, more stable in the skin and it’s also an iron oxide so it is safer to use on those clients that tend to swell.

Eyeliner Cleanse

The Girlz Ink Eyeliner cleanser is favorite pre/post procedure cleanser. We clean off the eyes before numbing with the cleanser, after number and after the procedure ends. If any pigment has gotten stuck in the lashes or in the eye this will help get it right out.

Some honorable mentions include the Renue Eye Drops, Advanced Eye Relief Eyewash, Eyz a Blue Numbing and our handy dandy Micro Lense for pictures. Amber and us girls at the studio swear by these products. Have questions about any of the listed products or would like more recommendations? You know how to find us! Just reach out to us, we are here to help.

Have you purchased the Classic Top & Bottom Eyeliner course yet? If not, CLICK HERE!